Snake Goddess of Knossos


Striking Goddess Figure of the iconic Minoan ‘Snake Goddess’ of Knossos in ancient Crete.  Bare breasted and clutching a serpent in each fist she depicts strength, abundance, and the fearsome power of the divine feminine. On her head perches what appears to be an owl.


This Goddess remains quite mysterious, she comes from a time before classical Greece and there are no records of her original  name. The snakes in her fists are sacred Adders, symbolic of dominion over the underworld. Serpent cults flourished throughout old Europe, where some symbolic serpent art has been dated to 6000 BC.

Cast in Brass , height of 20cm, such figures were inspired by goddess statues excavated from the temple complex of Knossos over a century ago. Since that time these types of figures have been made in Crete to sell to travellers and visitors, this one is unusually tall making her even more striking, she probably dates from the latter half of the last century.

Dimensions 32 × 17 × 4 cm
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