About Peller Cove

female stall holder at antiques market

 Whether we realize it or not –  we’re surrounded by the magic of our ancestors. Remnents of their folklore, diety worship, and magical practices are all around us.

Protection symbols woven into textiles, old beads that double up as sacred amulets, mysterious guardians hidden in the architecture of buildings, and the small household charms that quietly honour an almost forgotten goddess…  

As we race headlong into the 21st century so much has already been lost or forgotten. But having been travelling and trading in antiques since the 90’s I’ve also learned to see just how much is still with us. All around us, just waiting to be recognized, dusted off, and brought back into the light. 

PellerCove is a blog about searching for these Antique Magical Objects, Amulets, Ritual Tools, Folkloric, Sacred, and Mystical Art. 

it’s also my online shop.

 If you’re drawn to the power and beauty of these things, (& especially if you like rummaging about at a good market), this may be your kind of place. 

how did we arrive here?

 For as long as i can remember i’ve been fascinated by folkmagic and tales of the unseen worlds, of spirits, strange creatures, and the goddess in all her thousand forms… I loved to travel and i loved art and antiques, so for years I traded on antiques market stalls and travelled the world, naturally I ended up dealing in the objects that interest me most.

 PellerCove  is that market stall brought online – a place to sell my treasures, but also to  share my passion with like minded souls and pass on some of the hard-won experience of the last few decades in ‘the trade’. Hopefully you’ll  stay awhile, grab a cuppa (or a beer) and make yourself at home.

Each month I’ll be listing the latest aquisitions for sale, it’s an eclectic mix because you can never quite know what will turn up…  But I work hard to find interesting pieces that cater to different budgets (so that perfect gift for a friend really won’t cost you a kidney).

 Besides selling fabulous things, I also love writing on some of my favorite subjects, –  there are articles here on different types of object, how to buy, where to buy, and how not to get ripped off while you’re doing it. 


There’s The Witcheryfor those with their own magical den to kit out,


and  Postcards which is more like a traditional blog – where I share updates, rambling thoughts, & a few tales from the road.


These days I’m less nomadic. I’ve settled on the coast of West Cornwall and find most of my stock from the deep seam of mystical & folklore objects that have accumulated within the British Isles. 


 Ive spent my life surrounded by different spiritual traditions and have been beguiled by what  human beings create when they hither for the unseen worlds. 


Whenever possible I try to  reflect some of this diversity in my stock.


You can also follow Peller Cove on Social Media for updates, news, and a sneaky preview of some of the new pieces  on their way to market, hope to see there!


Holly X

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